YOSHIKI Classical Special with Orchestra
- Hong Kong - VIP Package
售價:HK$ 1800
2)Rehearsal VIP Pass 及証件繩 (1套)
3 ) YOSHIKI Classical 簽名CD (1隻)
4)文件夾 (1個)
5)玫瑰花型手提LED燈 (1支)
VIP Package 名額共200個,有興趣購買VIP Package 嘅朋友,可於12月16日(星期五)晚上8:00起,到下列網址登記,先到先得,額滿即止。
登記表格: https://goo.gl/hMIfBg
Rehearsal VIP pass 只作紀念用途,敬請留意。
YOSHIKI Classical Special with Orchestra
- Hong Kong - VIP Package
Price:HK$ 1800
Package Include:
Attend the Rehearsal (approx. 30 mins) with YOSHIKI Appearance on Show date afternoon at 29 Dec, 2016
Special Designed Rehearsal VIP Pass with straps - 1 Set
Yoshiki Classical Autographed CD – 1 Pcs
Clear Folder – 1 Pc
LED Rose Penlight – 1 Pc
Limited Quota (200 participants only) for VIP Package VIP package, available while stock last!
VIP Package Purchase Registration will start on 16 Dec 2016 (Friday) from 8:00pm Hong Kong Time. (Please note that any Registration earlier than 16 Dec 2016 Friday will be disregarded.
For Registration: https://goo.gl/hMIfBg
Deadline for Registration : 19 Dec 2016, 23:59pm Hong Kong Time.
Registration confirmation via Email will be sent out individually to all the participants should your registration be accepted. The Email will also including Payment Details and arrangement for the VIP Package Purchase.
Photo of Purchased Ticket (Any Ticket Price accepted) is required to upload with the Registration form.
Each Name and Each ticket can only register for ONE time only, repeat registration of the same name or same ticket will be disregarded.
Please take a photo of your concert ticket in advance; and rename the photo (File name) with the same name for your registration.
Payment method : Deposit the amount into designated bank in Hong Kong currency only
No Photo, Video or sound recording are allowed without authorization during the Rehearsal.
Rehearsal VIP pass is designed as souvenir only. It is only used to attend the rehearsal
The Organizers reserves the right to change/cease the special offer without prior notice.
For any questions with email to: info@puffinent.net